Fees and Payments – Primary School
Tuition fees for the Primary School are as detailed in the table below.
Full Year
- 4 workbooks included – full colour (valued at $120)
Half Year
- 2 workbooks included – full colour (valued at $60)
Tuition fees for late enrolments are calculated pro-rata.
When should I pay?
All fees have to be finalised prior to the commencement of terms 1 and 3.
The school’s finances rely on prompt fee payments, particularly in the first 6 months of the year as subsidies are only received in the middle of the year. We appreciate full yearly payments at the beginning of the year, if possible.
Withdrawals and cancellations
In case a student withdraws from school before the end of the year the School will refund a proportional part of the tuition fee based on the number of lessons remaining in the year.
How can I pay?
Electronic bank transfer
You can send the funds directly to our bank account. Please remember to include a reference note with your transfer e.g. student’s name, so that we can easily identify the payment.
BSB: 062198
Account number: 10395637
Name of account: The Polish School of Sydney Incorporated
Additional details, if needed, for money transfer:
Bank name: Commonwealth Bank
Branch: Maroubra Junction NSW 2035
Credit card via PayPal
Please note, PayPal payments include merchant fees of $30 (full year tuition) or $20 (half year tuition).
You’ll be redirected to a secure PayPal page to complete your payment.