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The Polish School of Sydney once again is coordinating a very popular event: Mushroom Picking Picnic in the Southern Highlands, Belanglo State Forest.
Included in the program: bbq lunch, Easter egg hunt, group photo, catching yabbies and, of course, mushroom picking.
As always there will be a prize for the biggest yabby and the biggest mushroom. We will be weighing them all day and announcing the winners at 3 pm.
It is a great opportunity for parents and friends to get together and socialise. So bring your family and friends for a relaxing day out!
Everyone is WELCOME!!!

All tickets (adults and children) are $25 per person.
To buy your tickets please:
1. email admin@polishschool.org.au with your reservation details including name for the booking and dietary requirements – two options: meat and vegetarian.
2.deposit your money into the following account:
Account Name: The Polish School of Sydney
BSB 062-198
ACC 1039 5637
3. email transaction receipt to admin@polishschool.org.au

All funds raised will go towards the education of our students.

We hope to see you all there!